Design Coordination

DES will continue to engage the Squaxin Island Tribe and key stakeholders during design and permitting. This map graphically depicts the anticipated schedule and process for project design and permitting.

A graphical timeline depicting planned design phases and stakeholder engagement. Fieldwork and site investigations will run from November 2024 through the middle of 2024. Conceptual design will occur between the end of 2023 through the middle of 2024, with targeted stakeholder engagement and engagement regarding sediment management. Additional funding is needed starting in quarter 3 of 2024. At that point, the project team will move into conceptual design review and 30% design, with additional stakeholder, regulatory agency, and public engagement. 60% design is estimated for 2025, and 90% and 100% design are slated for 2026. The team will continue to pursue federal and state grant funding throughout the project.
Click image to enlarge.

Before and throughout the EIS process, the project leveraged Executive, Technical, and Funding and Governance Work Groups composed of governmental partners and agencies that have jurisdiction or regulatory authority within the project area. Work group members met on multiple occasions to provide policy-level feedback, represent interests of their constituents, assist in review of technical materials, and consider a shared funding and governance model. Video recordings of meetings are available on the meetings page.

During the design and permitting process, meetings will occur as outlined in the timeline above, with targeted stakeholder engagement next occurring in Q1 and Q3 of 2024.