Community Involvement

DES has developed a process to solicit input from the community on the estuary design.

Community Sounding Board (CSB)

DES is convening a CSB with approximately 20 to 25 representatives from the community. These members will provide input as the project is designed. DES anticipates meeting with this group several times throughout the design process.


  1. Bring community members representing a diverse range of interests together to engage in focused discussions, and individually and/or collectively provide input, feedback, perspectives, and recommendations around substantive topics relevant to the project.
  2. Use CSB outcomes to inform subsequent discussions by the project team, DES, and stakeholders during the design process.

Participants in the CSB provide information, exchange ideas, and offer individual or collective perspectives around substantive topics. There is no voting or requirement to reach consensus. Information from CSB meetings is shared with the project team and considered by DES as decisions are made, but the CSB does not make decisions for DES.


DES will be selecting a group of individuals representing a wide range of interests, organizations, and communities. DES aims to include representatives most impacted by the project, such as marina members, naturalists, anglers, and non-motorized boaters, and will ensure inclusion of organizations centering underserved communities.

Public Meeting

DES intends to host a public meeting after an initial round of meetings with the Squaxin Island Tribe, local governments, resource agencies, and the CSB. That meeting is likely to occur in mid- to late-2024. Updates will be provided on the project website or through the project mailing list. Additional engagement events may be planned, pending funding and project process.